Fixed price Depreciation Report on Investment Properties ORDER NOW

Commercial Property Tax Services

Napier & Blakeley Commercial Tax Services 

Commercially driven, our operations focus on adding value to your investments’ bottom line. Utilising tax benefits, particularly depreciation and building allowances as a means of providing income tax relief is imperative for maximising your profits.

Under the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997, Division 43 Building Depreciation Allowance, as well as, a host of related property allowances including Division 40 for Plant & Equipment are available to property and business owners, investors and developers of commercial properties to offset taxable income.  

Property types include office blocks, shopping centres, hotels, industrial buildings, aged care facilities, allied health clinics, hospitals, animal shelters, childcare facilities as well as warehouses and petrol stations.

Our Napier & Blakeley Commercial Tax team is highly skilled at providing comprehensive compliant and accurate reports for the following.   

commercial property depreciation
commercial property depreciation

  • Property Sales Campaign - Depreciation Estimates
    These estimates offer a guide of the potential value from depreciation allowances for properties on the market. Our reports will add credibility to the return on investment for the property and assist Project marketers attract potential investors. 
  • Property Tax - Detailed Depreciation Schedules
    Our qualified Quantity Surveyors are Registered Tax Agents with the expertise and skills to prepare highly detailed Depreciation Schedules. Our compliant reports will deliver immense tax savings for the life of your assets.
  • Demolished or Destroyed assets – Write Off Schedules
    If a building or an asset used to generate revenue is destroyed or damaged during an income year, you can claim the remaining amount of undeducted expenditure. Often the value of these assets is overlooked. Our Write–off Schedules will ensure you continue to reap the benefits available through depreciation allowances.
  • Asset Registers
    These are detailed itemised lists of your assets used to generate revenue for your business. Your assets may include land, building, vehicles, equipment, machinery, computers and furniture. Our Registers will assist you to maintain accurate inventory minimising loss, unnecessary purchases and expenditure.
  • Cash Flow After Taxes Analysis
    This analysis provides an important measure of cash flow considering the impact of taxes on your profit. Our team provides accurate depreciation values on business assets to enable you to calculate current and future profitability.
  • Property Tax Profiling
    This service enables you to better understand, plan and manage all costs and risks associated with ownership of your assets. Our report will demonstrate how to manage your true return proactively by controlling costs and risk. Furthermore, you will be able to capture all available tax benefits.
  • Property Insurance
    When insuring a commercial property determining the amount and type of cover is greatly helped by having our experienced Quantity Surveyors provide an in-depth cost evaluation to guide you. Our reports detail demolition and construction costs including professional fees and estimated time associated with both activities. We’ll even provide a guide of possible escalation costs over the first two years of the policy. Our Property Insurance report will give you the confidence to insure your property adequately. 

Whether you own a commercial property or run a commercial business we can help you minimise your taxable income through depreciation allowances. To learn more about our tax services for your commercial property please Contact Us

NBtax provides full and comprehensive property tax depreciation services from each of our national offices


20 Hunter Street,

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90 Collins Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000

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213 Greenhill Road,
Eastwood SA 5063

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2 Kings Park Rd,
West Perth, WA 6005

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Lvl 30 Six Battery Rd,
Singapore 049909

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